
Fall Semester 2009

The fall semester has begun!!

It started on 24th of August, and it has been 3 weeks since the school began!!

Time flies sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast!!

I am taking 16 hours this semester, so I am very busy.

Classes I am taking this fall are...

AENV130 Environmental and Technical Science

EXSC100 Lifetime Wellness

MATH130 Finite Math

ACCT311 Intermediate Accounting II

ACCT324 Accounting Information Systems

MGMT330 Management and Organizational Behavior

I like some classes, but they are hard!!

I already had two exams which were Environmental Science and Intermediate Accounting.

They were difficult.

I have to work harder next time.

There is an organization called ISA which stands for International Students Association.

I am a treasurer of ISA this year.

I will be also busy for ISA, but it will be fun for sure!!

Even I am busy, I am still enjoying my semester so far :D

There are only 12 weeks left!!

I am going back to Japan for Christmas break :)

I have not bought airplane tickets yet, but I am very excited :)

I cannot wait!!